Dr. David G. Changaris
About Me
As I began my study of skin problems, it quickly became clear that skin condition was a result of manycauses. As a scientist, categorizing probable causes comes as second nature, so I began to document and speculate as to what I was learning.
Innovation and a Prepared Mind Meets Misery
For many years as a neurosurgeon-neurochemist, I brought new ideas to the medical-scientific community. Then I stumbled, or should I say, fell flat on my face. Journals and patents meant nothing as I watched my wife struggle and suffer through many painful experiences and failed treatments.
The smartest, best-trained professionals tried again and again to treat her skin condition. Simply put, they could treat cancer and prevent death, but fixing things that make people miserable was beyond them.
So, I set about finding out why this was happening and how to fix it…We learned that food allergies were important and eliminating these from our diet began the journey.
It became clear the world was attacking our first line of defense: Our gut and skin. Just about everything we eat contains artificial ingredients. Most have never been evaluated for safety. And safety studies never ever discuss misery.
What Does Not Kill You, Can Still Make You Miserable…
Artificial Dyes & Common Food Allergens
All artificial dyes, synthetic detergents, preservatives (synthetic antibiotics), dish washing cleansers, laundry detergents, and toothpastes became suspects on the list of unidentified assailants.
Manufacturers did not help with transparency. They often introduced synthetic ingredients with multiple names buried in a long list of small print. One needed to be a trained biochemist to figure this out.
Soon the reason for my wife's ailment became clear. Every time we removed one of these harmful additives from our lives, things got a little better. Eliminating artificial dyes was the easiest, but it meant giving up candy (including certain chocolates), pastries, and soft drinks. Our next step was to eliminate common food allergens as specified by the FDA, which included: soy, gluten, tree nuts, dairy and corn.
Despite our efforts, unexplained illness plagued us. Moving down the list of suspects...
Synthetic Detergents & Preservatives (Synthetic Antibiotics)
Synthetic Detergents
Synthetic detergents aren't exclusive to cleaning products, as they can be used to prolong the shelf life of many products, including cosmetics and toothpaste. Synthetic detergents are used in almost all skincare products. Common toothpaste brands may contain roughly 30% by weight of these artificial detergents. And, many laundry detergents do not even list their ingredients, so we can only assume the worst.
Over the years, most of these harmful ingredients have at least become controversial. Laboratory testing shows that Sodium Laurel Sulfate or SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) can cause eczema at levels below those found in toothpaste. The European Medical Agency has stated that we should have none of these in our cosmetic products. Detergents can readily penetrate the skin, and we believe this is a major contributing factor in many poorly understood diseases. We know that the detergent Phisohex easily penetrates skin and brain to dissolve myelin, the insulation of the nerves in our brains. Unfortunately, many commonly used detergents have not had similar safety testing to identify skin penetrance and potential brain dysfunction, and Toxicology studies do not routinely address these issues either.
Now, my wife and I do not use laundry detergent. Instead, we rely on setting the water temperature to 180 degrees fahrenheit. Almost all waxes and oils dissolve at this temperature, and the addition of white vinegar, lemon juice, and borax help with fine linens and delicate clothing. We wash our dishes with hot water and mechanical scrubbing, before rinsing and sanitizing with 70% ethanol (derived from grape or cane sugar) and then air drying-This same process provides the cornerstone of our sanitizing procedures in our clean room at Ceela.
Preservatives (synthetic antibiotics)
Of all the potentially harmful ingrredients, these cause the biggest and hardest to measure problems. Synthetic antibiotics prevent open jars of cosmetics from deteriorating from bacteria and fungi, and the average cosmetic contains 3-4 of these. Almost all have been "grandfathered" into the foods we eat and the skincare we apply. This issue takes on specific importance to women who have suffered from yeast infections/gut issues after oral antibiotics. Even a single dose of antibiotics can eliminate important protective bacteria that prevent infections, yet we're increasingly bombarded with synthetic antibiotics, which are constantly disturbing our gut and skin biome.
A Simple Question To People Who Use Skincare:
Why are you putting antibiotics on your skin everyday? Antibiotic skincare preservatives contribute to the development of invasive antibiotic resistant bacteria and fungi. The endpoint of this scenario can be avoided.
Ceela's Simple Science has the Solution
Simple Science + Pure, Safe Ingredients = Beautiful, Healthy Skin.
Once we eliminated the above culprits things started looking up for my wife and and I...No more skin breakdown. Then the word got out, and others kept showing up and getting better in the same manner: simply with simple steps.
So we've decided to bring these ideas forward. No one solution can quickly restore a lifetime of developing a disorderd skin biome. However, following these simple steps have helped many to approach their eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, and acne.
In Ceela Naturals, you will only find pure, naturally occurring ingredients...Ingredients that our skin can use for optimal health and beauty. I personally hand-pick every ingredient to ensure they are part of normal and natural human life. To say they change the structurre or function of skin would be to claim these products were a drug, but we market these revolutionary formulas as cosmetics!
Ceela offers nutrient rich skincare to beautify and treat allergies by simple avoidance. Furthermore, Ceela Naturals manufactures and distributes skincare to beautify without common allergens, incuding sesame and corn. Simple.
David Changaris, MD